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cedar of 2 24
cedar of 24

Cedar of Lebanon in January


It all starts with good dirt!

Star Magnolia Close Up

star magnolia 2

Star Magnolia - Early March

star magnolia

Nursery Rhyme in Motion!

nursery rhyme in motion
happy pink dogwood

2024 has been an excellent year for a lot of blooming trees. This pink dogwood couldn't be happier.

contorted beech spring 24
tiny cones
copper beech 24
seeds on henryi

The Henryi Maple                                      Seeds on the Henryi Maple

Copper Beech

Tiny Cones on an oriental spruce

Contorted Beech in the Spring

Copper Beech in the Spring

The large leaf magnolia is native to Eastern Kentucky. This went from bud to bloom in 30 hours.

Collected these hemlocks up a creek on Lake Cumberland.
 Magnificent forest!


Harvesting Nordman Firs.

ginko a 24
ginko b 24
dogwood 21 24

April snow in 2021 while pink dogwoods were in bloom.

The female Ginko is a great tree for hte enviornment. Great for shade, food for wildlife, This tree gets enormous. The trick is planting away from foot traffic, when fruiting.

Full shot of the Ginko.

Photo of the Week at Goshen Gardens     2024

large leaf magnolia seeds 2
large leaf magnolia seeds

Time to Collect Large Leaf Magnolia Seeds


Fall dogwoods had outstanding color this year.


Fall comes to Goshen Gardens.  Folks think that fall colors are always the same. But in truth weather conditions change the colors from year to year.


One of the Goshen Gardens American Beeches at the waterfront Botanical Gardens in Louisville. Seed collected from Cavehill Cemetery.

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moving contorted beech

Moving a contorted beech.



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