Photo of the Week at Goshen Gardens     2020          

flared roots

This is a perfect flared root system on an American Beech.

Red flowering buckeye going to the St. Louis Aquarium.

Buckeye St

More for the rapper, Drake’s property in Canada.


Cornus kousa has a lovely winter look This tree can be moved with a 90 inch tree spade in the Louisville area.

Early March, 2020

contorted beech
contorted beech 2

Contorted Beech

Contorted Beech in its new home.

visitors from Tokyo

Goshen Gardens recently welcomed visitors from Tokyo.

tokyo business card

They left us their business card!


Spring comes to Goshen Gardens 2020

vase shape

The Magnolia Show

This particular flowering magnolia is referred to as a tulip tree for good reasons.

Malus hupehensis has a nice vase shape.


Native Juniper Seedlings

Easter 2020

Fothergilla. When it first starts blooming in the spring it has the light scent of licorice.


Our high tech propagation facility is very adequate.

hug your plants

Have you hugged your plants today?

More photos of the week

2019              2018

trees to lex

Moving some large arborvitas to Lexington, Kentucky. Three time the size of the trees we moved to Canada for Drake.

amur cork

THis is a 7 inch caliber Amur Cork tree. Robins like the dried fruit in the winter. This tree can be harvested after the first of November.

American beech

American Beech

contorted beech

Contorted Beech

This large oak was a bonsai that Tony Aulbach let loose in the nursery.

bonsai 3
home grown

True Goshen Gardens Native Juniper. From seed to tree. Selected for it’s nice green color and form.

cascading black gum

This cascading black gum will do a nice show shortly.


White Dogwood. Seed source - Goshen Gardens Nursery.


Oct 19, 2020

fern lead beech

Fern Leaf Beech

Touring Goshen Gardens from above!

nursery tour close up
invasive plants

Just finished clearing this hillside of flowering pears the worst invasive plant in our area ever. My recommendation is to cut them down when the size of your little finger and save the fossil fuel.

cedar of

I’ve been fortunate to have been able to grow and experiment with Kentucky hardy trees such as this cedar of Lebanon.



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