October 2019


A Louisville urban forester told me this variety doesn't have good fall colors. Glad I didn't listen!

September 2019


All natural pruning of these arborvitas emerald greens, by my “dear” four legged friends!

joshua kight

Recently had a visit from Joshua Kight. Josh  is pictured  above in front of a chestnut oak. This tree was grown from seed collected from the quarry road at Cave Hill Cemetery in Louisville, KY.


Josh is from The College of Agriculture, Food and Environment - Department of Horticulture.

August 2019

arbor gg

August 2019

The back hedge is the emerald green arborvitas now in place after the trip from Goshen Gardens in Goshen, Kentucky.


July 2019

Preparing a delivery of arbs (Arborvtea thuja, an upright evergreen) for the rapper Drake in Canada.


Ready to roll...Canada or bust!


June 2019

Evergreens are doing well, proper soil conditions and cultivation are key.

Harvesting American Boxwood

It’s a nice cool June morning to harvest American Boxwood.

botanical gardens

April 2019

Doing an American beech planting at the new river front botanical gardens. Scheduled to open in the fall of 2019.

to lexington

March 2019 - Early Spring

Beech Trees on their way to Lexington, KY

golden larch

Golden Larch Beautiful all year but really beautiful in the fall.


Photos of the Week 2019

More photos of the week

2020              2018



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