A Visit with Lee Squires
Lee Squires with his Kiyohime Japanese Maple.
Tommy Bachmann standing on the bridge Lee and some friends built.
Thoughts from Tommy Bachmann:
Lee Squires was at Cave Hill Cemetery for almost half a century. The tree programs at Cave Hill are what they are today because of Lee’s care and attention.
I went to a lot of meetings back in the 80s with a lot of nursery men. Lee always stood out.
I guess I don’t own the word gracious - but Lee has always been one of the most gracious men I know. He would do bonsai classes and tour talks. He wore so many hats he had to build a large walk in closet to store all those hats!
Lee was raised in St. Mathews which is known for it’s great potato ground and it gave Lee a knowledge of the importance of good soil.
Lee became an authority on a wide spectrum of the horticultural field.
Lee with his two best friends.
Taking a Bonsai to a new level.
An article from Yew Dell Gardens by Dr. Paul Cappiello.
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